My time of tuning to you Nature, binds us now for life.
I listen crow, for the beating of your wings in flight through the sounds of traffic.
I listen to you little bird with your sweet chirping banter past the sounds of sirens.
I clutch your hairs, sweet grass to feel sensual closeness to your deep, weighted and earthly support.
I hear you rustling leaves of my friends the stable trees, past the sounds of protest and anger that resides in the streets. Nature, although it often seems you fight for your place in the noise of the city, I hear you, I feel you, I see you and smell you. You keep my senses alive. And by tuning to you nature, you remind me always that it is in fact you that roots me in my healing in my urban dwelling.
So I listen and meditate past the drowning rumble of the city and I hear you Silence, remembering that You silence are actually my true Nature.