

Elderfit is a workshop for movement teachers that wish to work with the aging population in a safe and creative way. The movements are thoughtfully organized in a class to create a nice flow and rhythm for the elderly in their body and breath explorations. In this workshop, we will discuss the practicalities of what it is like to work with senior clients and what motions and breathwork are particularly beneficial for the advanced ageing body.

While standing can often be dangerous for most elderly, for safety this workout is performed solely on and with a chair. The movements are easily attainable, giving the senior client a great sense of accomplishment with their body. In the aging process, the breath is often impeded, becoming shallow and restricted by muscular tightnesses in the body. With this in mind, elements of Qigong for breath enhancement and longevity practices, and Dance for dynamic and fun moving explorations, are woven together to make a rewarding movement experience for the elderly person. The Elderfit class will bring the spark back into the eyes of the ageing student as they remember and rediscover what their bodies are meant for; to find the pleasure of simply existing in the body, breathing, moving and being creative!


$300 Tuition + $75 Course material + GST

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