Restorative Qi Gong
Restorative Qi Gong is a medicine for the mind and body, helping us to release energetically what is not needed and let go. All Qi Gong is restorative, yet a restorative practice moves through the movements slower. There can be an emphasis on breath retention and the postures may be held in stillness, while the mind focuses the breath into specific areas and organs we are wishing to enhance with qi and vitality. When we slow the breath down, we slow the mind as well. Once our mind is clear of stress, we find we are happier and more relaxed.
Based in Chinese Medicine and Taoist philosophy, Qi Gong literally means ‘Breath Practice’ in Chinese. Qi Gong is an energy art that helps to strengthen and balance all the internal organs. Slow, deep regular breathing combined with energy movement, work oxygen deeper into the tissues than regular exercise. As well, Qi Gong strengthens the nervous system by relieving stress on a day-to-day basis, as well as rebuilding the body that has been broken down due to long-term stress.
Learning to move from the inside develops an integral and authentic sense of well-being. Qi Gong practice offers you ways to connect with your natural happiness, to restore your energy and enhance your health. By tuning to nature as you do with Qi Gong, you begin to live in harmony with your own true nature. Expression of this wonderful life force can help you to live a more vibrant, creative and meaningful life!
In this course you will:
Learn the basics of Taoist philosophy and Chinese Medicine.
Learn Restorative Qi Gong practices to bring balance to the internal organs and to restore the nervous system from short and long-term stress.
Learn the control and seasonal cycle of the Five Elements which are the basis of Chinese Medicine.
Learn the Six Healing Sounds to release negative emotions in your body and cultivate more positive emotions.
Learn how to circulate your Qi in your entire body by moving it in the Microcosmic Orbit.
Learn simple exercises to balance the 5 major organs.
Learn the structure of a daily Qi Gong practice that includes purging, tonifying and circulating the Qi.
Learn Restorative Qi Gong.
Learn skills to develop your own personal Qi Gong practice.
$200 Tuition + $75 Textbook + GST