As a ground my energy, I feel my interconnectedness with all of nature. My roots extending and wrapping the planet. Hugging and digging deep into the safety of mother Earth, I relax….. This quiet convalescing period, took my mind and replaced it with a trusting Knowing. A falling into being and not a connecting to nature but rather a reacquaintance with what has always been. Like all of the trees and nature coexisting in perfect harmony, I remember too that I am part of this perfect plan. That by letting go, smelling the air, hearing the sounds, seeing the wonder, I can taste the sweetness of life in it’s luscious August blackberries. I can receive the gift of each precious moment as it unfolds like a sunset in it’s sometimes seemingly imperfect yet always perfect now. Not resisting or trying to change, but trusting in its perfect flow.
So as I let go of my mind, my shoulders relax with the earth’s force of gravity. And like the weeping willow tree, my arms sway and cry their remaining tears to water and nourish the dry broken lands of the mother.