We’ve seen the world in much upheaval over the last few years. Groups of people talking about us versus them, and on and on. A lot of anger at the inequities in life. And while I value the new paradigms that are starting to emerge from these fights against injustices, I have to wonder if perhaps as humans we should not look at ourselves first. Start making these changes on the simplest level. On yourself, in your own home. The hatred we express is only an expression of the hatred that we are feeling within. And if we were to look deeper we would understand and have compassion, for it is almost certain that that hatred comes from deep hurt and inner wounding.
We tell our children to be kind to others, but children learn by example. We are kind to others, but why don’t we first start with being kind to ourselves?… By healing our inner wounds we heal ourselves. We heal the next generation and the next generation and so on. We heal the world.
Now I can donate, stand up for a worthy cause or support someone in their plight, but if I don’t truly understand what compassion is by the experience of having compassion within myself, for myself, then can I truly have compassion for another soul? In actuality my giving becomes mere rhetoric. This is not an energy that can change the world.
Loving oneself is not easy. It requires inner observation, honesty and diligence in each moment. But when we can live in the state of inner peace and self-love, we carry this vibration and put out into our lives. I believe that self-love can be one of the greatest gift we can give the world. The ripple effect of this blessing into humanity is truly sacred.