Shattered Pieces

It seems there’s always a nugget of something that keeps us tethered to the seriousness of life. In my shattered state I crawl around trying to pick up the pieces and put myself back together again. But like broken glass, the pieces no longer fit. So I lay down my mind and give it all up, trusting a new intelligence will sew me back together again. Perhaps in a new way. The one true Mind now taking full control. My body sighing with a relieving exhale, trusting the next inhale will come when it comes….

In this surrendered place I lay back in the arms of Mother Earth and watch the clouds passing by. Obscuring the sun with their perfect metaphor for life. Yet the one true constant we know is that the sun will shine again and so we let go and watch those clouds pass by; just like our thoughts and sufferings, but this time we marvel at their beauty and trust in the grandness and perfection of life.